![[Photo]](webberth.jpg) | The crew of the B-24 41-29525 "Rack 'em Back", at Lavenham Army Airfield, (Station 137) in 1944. These men were members of the 838th Bomb Squadron of the 487th Bomb Group (Heavy). From left to right:
Back Row: Lawrence E. Guyer (ball turret gunner), Arthur W. Silva (waist gunner), Olen Franklin Huff (pilot), Robert L. Ballman
(radio operator)
Front Row: Cosme P. Marquez (nose turret gunner), Jasper Wray Lacy (navigator), Roy Michael Webber (copilot), Gene T. Burrage (flight engineer and top turret gunner)
Art Silva said that this photo was taken on a "down" day when the crew did not fly, sometime between May and September 1944. |