[Lavenham Airfield]

This page was created by Lavenham Community Council

Please click on the letters on the map for the photo. A key to the numbers appears below.

AAn enlisted men's
ablution hut
BThe remains of
a shower block
CThe track to Sites 5, 6
& 7, looking South
DThe track to Sites 5, 6
& 7, looking South
ERoad to North
of Site 5
FPumphouse, Site 5 GBurma Road,
towards Lavenham
HBurma Road,
towards Airfield
IGymnasium, Site 2 JSquadron Offices,
Technical Site
KNorth side of
Bomb Stores
LRunway 2, looking NE
MRunway 3 NSouth, from SE
end of Runway 3
OThe Control Tower
(currently being restored)
PMemorial plaque in
Lavenham Market Place

[Map of Lavenham Airfield whilst operational]

[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P]

This map is ©1993 Mr. T. Dean, and is reproduced with his kind permission.

1Stone Cottages 7Ammunition Storage 14Site 12 19837th Bomb Squadron,
85th Station Complement
2Alpheton Cottages 8Bomb Storage 15Mess
3Park Farm site 9Sick Quarters 161685th Ordinance Detachment 20838th Bomb Squadron
4Elms Farm site 10Administrative Site 17836th Bomb Squadron 21839th Bomb Squadron
5Technical Site on
Mansers Farm site
11Communal Site 18669th Aero. Eng. Sq.,
1238th Quartermaster Co.
22803rd Chemical Co.,
471st Sub-Depot
6Lodge Farm 13Mess    23Sewage Disposal

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